Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Heechul Message for Hankyung

There is a friend of mine.

The friend’s Korean isn’t the best but he’s amazing at Chinese
This friend’s singing is alright but he is really good at dancing
I like cats and this friend likes dogs
I can’t cook but this friend is good at cooking
I always cursed but this friend always laughed

Now that time has passed, I never did anything good for him kk
It’s making me sorry..
When he was next to me, I never did anything nice to him kk

I don’t self-pity myself usually..
I think I’m just drunk which is why I’m crying kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

It’s a special and sacred thing to have someone beside you
Though I grew up, I never realized that

A lot later….Now I know.. Wow..kkkk

There’s a reason why you should appreciate what you have

Saying “I miss him” is a phrase I can use now. (-┏)

The tears that never came out when I filmed sad scenes
Are coming down painfully now.